09 Dec 2022
Digital Streaming Cards-Scan Cards
We’ve progressed from shellac records, 8-track tapes and cassettes, to compact discs and MP3 players, to the current status quo, streaming. We have streaming services that give us access to the entire catalog of hundreds of thousands of musicians. Today, we are so far advanced, we can stream music at will with access to a QR code and access to the internet.
As an artist, this makes distributing your music considerably less cumbersome. Now, you can be armed with hundreds to thousands of flat paper cards with a printed QR code versus carrying the equivalent of much heavier CDs to distribute your latest music releases. Plus, there’s no limit on how much of your music the QR code can access. It can give the owner of the digital streaming card access to as few as two songs or an artist’s entire catalog of music. The limits on the QR codes are dependent upon the artist’s goals.
If the artist wants to promote a new release, he or she may release a digital streaming card that highlights the most recently released songs. How does a digital streaming card work? The artist may link to any site where they have their music including, a personal or business website. You can give a QR code that links to a single EP, an album, social media, a mixtape or a video. The artist also has the option to link to music stored on Tidal, Apple Music, Spotify, Deezer, iHeart, YouTube, Bandcamp, Amazon, Qobuz, Pandora, etc. It’s a great opportunity to fill the world with music without the traditional burden of using round discs or tapes to store music.
Give access to all your music on all your platforms with one QR code on one digital streaming card. You can also limit access to one or two platforms: a website and one streaming service. You’re in charge of designing the access to your music.
Your digital streaming card is approximately the same size as a typical business card and the paper is about the same thickness and may have a semi-glossy or glossy surface. The print work depicts images of the artist or artwork from their latest release and icons for the music platforms you use. You can include the title of your music if there is one as well as any internet addresses for additional music or information.
Digital streaming cards are a far less expensive way to advertise and market your music. For a $50 to $70 your music can be in the ears of 250+ would be fans and acolytes. By distributing digital streaming cards instead of CD’s a cash strapped artist can still afford to reach out to hundreds if not thousands of people eagerly sharing their auditory creations.